Dog That Was Found Chained In An Abandoned House Is Finally Free And Loves Hugging Everyone He Meets
Meet this adorable dog named Toro. He was found chained in an abandoned house. Dog was rescued and started living at the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter.
His life suddenly changed.
“When he first came in, he was very nervous and shut down,” Melissa Fogarty, kennel and placement supervisor at Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter, told The Dodo. “He’s become more comfortable with people he’s used to, but is still a bit nervous in the shelter setting.”
He is such a cute boy that loves giving hugs to everyone.
“I was probably one of the first people to take him out for an actual socialized walk when he came in,” Fogarty said. “The hugging happened probably within 15 minutes of having him out loose in our side play yard. He just kind of crawled up to me, climbed on my lap, and pressed himself against my chest … from there it grew and now he hugs all his friends here.”
He looks like he is grateful for his second chance given.
“Every time he comes out of the kennel, his first reaction is to hug the person walking him, and anyone, really, he comes in contact with,” Fogarty said.
Toro is also looking for a perfect home. We hope he finds a loving family as soon as possible.
Dog has to be happy and Loved again.