Puppy Still Leaves The Space To Sleep On His Cushion To His Best Friend
George, Harry’s best friend, passed away about a year ago. He’s kept her specific spot on the cushion where they used to sleep together since then.
Caitlin Wynne captioned the tragic photo of her grieving puppy on Twitter:
“I’m in tears… she always let George lie there, even though he died about a year ago and is still there.”
Harry may be seen laying his head on a mat where he used to sleep with George, who died when he was 15 years old.
Caitlin explained that George was approximately a year old when he found his forever home with his family in 2004, while Harry arrived as a puppy.
this group of pals Lhasa Apso pals grew up together and shared everything, including playing, eating, and, of course, sleeping.
George’s condition deteriorated to the point that he had to be killed after being diagnosed with renal failure.
For weeks, Harry was saddened by the loss of his best buddy. She has never slept at George’s apartment since then, hoping that he may return one day.
Caitlyn explained:
“The night before George died, I stayed on the couch to keep him company, and Harry was weeping and wouldn’t sleep through the night, as if he sensed something was wrong.”
“When George was put to death, we took Harry to the vet with us and stayed by his side the entire time.” Harry was in pain for a few weeks. He didn’t mingle or consume snacks since he had his tail down ».
She certainly still misses George almost a year later! He now sleeps on the floor next to the bed on a regular basis, but I didn’t know why until I was browsing through photos of them both a year ago and found the one I tweeted that made me realize.”