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In The Jungle, A Brave Husky Discovered A Crate Full Of Kittens And Adopted Them

Whitney has had Banner, a delightful 3-year-old husky, since she was a puppy, and she taught her to assist her and others with various jobs and circumstances. Banner also understands how to drive precisely when her owner suffers from an anxiety attack or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Whitney explained to Bored Panda:

«She issues alarms for tept episodes, anxiety attacks, headaches, directing work, impulsivity, medication recovery, self-harm interruption, and a variety of other things. She is constantly connected to kittens since we do a lot of rescues. Banner nurtured my first newborn cat, which I had two years ago with a bottle found in a ditch.


Whitney is also a huge animal lover, so she and Banner make the ideal match, and they conduct their own rescues whenever they can. This is how, while going through the woods, they came across a sealed cardboard box containing seven newborn kittens.


Whitney was instantly alerted by Banner, who took her to the location of the little felines in the woods. After opening the box, the woman started to take the kittens out one by one.


In an interview with Metro, Whitney says:

Someone must have stuffed them into a cardboard box, sealed the lid, and left them to perish. They most likely believed that no one would ever find out about them. I’m not sure how Banner found out they were there. The kittens froze and didn’t make any noises.


Banner has not left the young kittens’ side since they were rescued, and he has decided to adopt them as his own offspring. She is a very motherly and caring dog, and as long as the cats are in her care, she will take excellent care of them.

Whitney takes it upon herself to locate each of the tiny ones a loving home once they are accepted and cared for at her house.

Whitney continued:

«I will find suitable homes for the kittens, who will adore them forever.» Because our local shelter has a three-day euthanasia policy, it’s preferable if I take care of them personally. I usually wind up babysitting because of this. I don’t want them to lose their lives.


To anyone who know her tale, this courageous and loving husky will be a hero; owing to her abilities and enormous heart, these felines are now secure and happy. This rescue will undoubtedly be remembered for a long time.