Shelter Worker Adopts Lovely Kitten Named Sugar, He Couldn’t Contain Happiness
Meet this adorable cat named Sugar. He was so sick when he came at the Exploits Valley SPCA with his siblings in July. He had a virus and needed a lot of care and treatments.
Staff talked about Sugar and told that he is super friendly.
“He was extremely friendly and vocal from the beginning,” Sarah MacLeod of the Exploits Valley SPCA told The Dodo.
Glen is also a staff member and has a strong friendship with Sugar.
“Sugar would yell at Glen to stop doing work and pay attention to him,” MacLeod said.
So that means that Sugar is seeking for attention all time. But Glen decided to do something amazing, he adopted Sugar.
“Glen wasn’t looking to adopt, he has a cat already, but loved Sugar too much to let him be adopted,” MacLeod said.
Now Sugar cannot contain joy after having a loving home and living with his best friend.
“Sugar is doing wonderful in his home, Glen has even brought him by to visit us,” MacLeod said.