This Cat Has Become A Member Of The Pack, Which Includes Three Shiba Inus
A Japanese couple owns three gorgeous Shiba Inu, and they recently chose to expand their family by adopting a cute American Shorthair cat who quickly became a member of the pack and spends amazing times with his new siblings.
The woman had long desired a cat, but her husband was not on board. He tried for years to persuade him, and eventually the day arrived: they were looking for a gray kitten with short fur and pointed ears that would get along with the family dogs. Kiki was brought into the family in this manner.
The wife was ecstatic, and she told Bored Panda:
“The reason I decided to add a cat to our family instead of a dog was simple: I used to have one.”
The lady recounts trying unsuccessfully for several years to persuade her spouse to get a cat. When the cat was eventually brought home, he got along swimmingly with his new Shiba brothers, who were equally enthusiastic.
The wife recalls:
“When I told my husband I wanted a kitten, he informed me that he dislikes cats. I continued to do it, but he always said no. However, after some time, I was able to locate a cat that they both enjoyed.
The family verified a few months ago that their dogs and cat had a very special and deep relationship. They are a team, and they defend and cherish it. They are overjoyed with the family they have created and the way they care for it; they genuinely consider it a part of themselves.
The lady explains:
“I went to a Shiba Inu party with Kiki and our dogs. Kiki was getting along OK with the other dogs until one of them began barking at her. Saki, one of our Shibas, immediately replied with a bark, ensuring Kiki’s safety. I realized they had become actual buddies at that point.
Kiki and her siblings do everything together, including take lengthy naps, go on long walks, have supper, and have fun playing. They are always in close proximity.
The mother of pets goes on to say:
Kiki appears to be free to relax whenever she wants with a serene mind because Shibas are typically quiet at home. Kiki joins us in the bedroom for some sleep after doing something active before going to bed.
Kiki’s mother notes that she has heard that dogs become acclimated to their owners’ sleep routine, whilst cats are energetic and wake up at night in search of action, but Kiki likes sleeping through the night. He spends a lot of time with his brothers; they are extremely close and have a lot of fun together. They are oblivious to the difference.
There is no question that they are a loving family. Kiki joined the gang, and the Shiba adore her brother, taking care of him and laughing at his antics. He’s a member of the gang.