Two Loyal Dogs Stand By Their Sick Owner, Personnel Decides To Bring Them Along In An Ambulance
The loyalty of pets has no limits and dogs Bob and Chiara are a great example of that. On the 1st of November, they made their way into an ambulance where their owner was taken after having convulsions. He was later brought to a hospital with his two dogs, who refused to leave the vehicle.
The recyclable collector José Antônio Pereira, 47, was rescued by professionals from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) in Bauru, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was found laying on the ground when Josy Plana (ambulance driver) and Maria de Lourdes Pereira (nursing technician) arrived at the scene. They couldn’t get close to the man because his dogs were protecting him. The ambulance personnel had to calm the dogs down in order to provide first aid to José.
The dogs stood by their owner the whole time, making sure that he was okay. When José had to be transported to the hospital, the dogs entered the ambulance and didn’t let him out of their sight. Josyane and Maria didn’t have a choice but to bring the pets along, as they were worried they would run after the ambulance and get injured. Prevented from entering the hospital, the dogs stayed at the door of the emergency room and spent the night waiting for their owner. The next day, early in the morning, José was discharged and was able to meet his faithful friends again.