Vet Crawls Into Kennel To Sleep With Dog Who Got Hurt In Fire
Taka’s life was nearly cut short by a fire.
The Shiba Inu dog’s house caught fire last week as he was inside a screened-in porch. Despite their best efforts, his family was unable to reach him in time and had to flee the house.
Then something miraculous happened. Taka rushed along the street after escaping the porch on his own. He was eventually discovered by a kind neighbor, who rushed him to Care More Animal Hospital in Martinez, Georgia.
He has burns around his eyes, lips, ears, and tummy, according to Emily Martin, a veterinarian at Care More Animal Hospital. “At first, we didn’t know how serious his injuries were since we were concerned about inhalation burns.”
Taka’s eyes were also gravely harmed, and he went blind as a result.
When Taka’s breathing became a problem, the vet team took him to the University of Georgia’s clinic, where he could be hooked up to an oxygen machine. Taka was able to return to Care More Animal Hospital after a few days, and the staff there has been doing everything they can to help him recover.
Martin, in particular, has developed a fondness for Taka.
“I try to treat all of my patients the same way,” Martin added, “but his situation tugged at my emotions a little more.” “When he first came in, he was in excruciating pain… “However, as soon as you sat with him and began singing to him, he calmed down.”
Martin spoke with Taka’s family shortly after he arrived at the vet hospital, and they ultimately decided to place Taka in Martin’s care for his health’s sake. Martin has resolved to become more than Taka’s veterinarian since then; she has become his mother.
Martin brought Taka home with her one night so he wouldn’t have to sleep alone because the hospital isn’t open 24 hours a day.
“I stayed up with him all night at my place, so we were both fatigued the next day,” Martin explained.
Martin crept into Taka’s cage at the vet facility the next day and the two of them napped together. Martin’s coworker snapped a snapshot of the occasion.
Taka’s gentleness, despite everything he’s going through, is one of the most remarkable things to Martin.
Martin stated, “He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body.” “A lot of times when animals are in agony, they bite merely to make themselves feel better, but he hasn’t tried to bite once.” People, if anything, make him feel better.”
While it’s too soon to say how Taka’s burns will effect him in the long run, Martin and the other veterinarians are optimistic about his recovery, especially now that he’s eating and going to the toilet on his own.
“He’s clearly in a lot of pain, so he’s not out of the woods yet,” Martin added, “but we’re hoping that he’ll be OK.”
Taka’s individuality is beginning to emerge.
“He like belly rubs and food, so he’s a bit greedy,” Martin explained. “He also enjoys cuddling.”