At Day Care, Dog Always Befriends The Fluffiest Dogs So She May Nap On Them
Edna has been attending to doggie day care since she was a puppy, and her pattern has been consistent: she plays hard for the first three or four hours, then sleeps for the remainder of the day. With so many dogs around, claiming the most comfortable sleep area may be difficult – so Edna devised the perfect solution.
Edna selects the fluffiest puppy at day care that day as soon as she determines it’s naptime…
… and utilizes them as a place to slumber.
Whether the dog is big …
… or not so big, Edna still naps on them, and most of them don’t seem to mind at all.
One of Edna’s family members, Brianna Gottfried, told The Dodo that “all the dogs seem to love the cuddling companionship.” “Even the tiniest wiener dogs,” says the narrator.
It was definitely simpler to employ other dogs to take naps when she was a puppy…
When it’s time to go at the end of the day, Edna is typically deep asleep on one of her companions, and waking her up and getting her home takes some work.
Gottfried explained, “When it’s time to go home, I always have to pry her off of another dog.”
…but now that she’s bigger, Edna refuses to give up. She enjoys snuggling and makes the most of every opportunity she has at day care.
Edna enjoys playing, and when she is unable to do so, she enjoys napping, which all of her day care buddies are more than willing to assist her with.