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When Cyclists See A Homeless Dog On The Road, They Know He’ll Join Them At Home

Ladislau Alcântara and Rosilene Jansen rode out on their bicycles in the middle of their quarantine in April of this year, not realizing that this stroll would change their lives forever.

They decided to return early from their excursion since the day was too hot, and they were met by a surprise along the road. It was about a tiny puppy standing alone in the middle of the road, as if it had been lost or had been abandoned.

When they came closer, they saw it was a starving brown dachshund that didn’t even flee, instead staring at them as if pleading for assistance.


According to Rosilene, who spoke to The Dodo:

“We saw he was alone, and we had bread in our backpack, so I approached him, handed him the bread, and he devoured it.”


When the riders inquired about the dog, they discovered that the region is notorious for animal abandonment.

Rosilene had this to say:

“I became desperate because I didn’t want to leave him there, but I still had almost 40 kilometers (25 miles) to get home.”


So Ladislau unzipped his hydration pack, grabbed the small puppy, and stuffed him inside to take him home. It wasn’t an easy move to pull off, but the riders were motivated to assist the abandoned animal after seeing it.


Ros continued:

“It wasn’t an easy task. I was riding after him on my bike, checking the bag for the dog to make sure it hadn’t fallen off. Every kilometer seemed to stretch on forever.

They halted for a few minutes to relax after a hard ride, and Ladislau turned around and smiled at Rosilene at that point.


Ladislau explained:

“Because I don’t have any children, I’m going to get a dog.”

The bikers resumed their route and arrived at their destination after a few hours, when they gave him a wash, some water, and some delicious food.


They decided to adopt the abandoned dog after the long bike trip and named him Rotivi, though Ladislau preferred Pelanka.

The bikers grew quite close to the dog over time, and the three are now absolutely inseparable; they are unconditional buddies.


Pelanka has acquired adequate weight and has conquered her health difficulties since then. He’s already a big dog that constantly goes along with his folks on their excursions.


Rosilene added:

«He is constantly with us and is our buddy. It is unconcerned with the size of other creatures. He is secure in the knowledge that we are always close by.