When Their Favorite Person’s Name Is Spoken, All The Donkeys Run
The dozens of beautiful donkeys that reside at an English refuge know when they hear something wonderful.
The Donkey Sanctuary just posted this lovely footage from their Wood’s Farm location. The 139 donkey inmates of the sanctuary are shown enjoying a bright day out in the fields before their favorite human begins calling them in from afar.
And they were ecstatic.
The donkeys all rush forward in unison, as if they were one happy herd:
This cheerful sight of happy donkeys is made all the more heartbreaking by the fact that they are all rescues, rescued from lifetimes of cruelty and neglect by sanctuary volunteers.
As Elisabeth Svendsen, founder of The Donkey Sanctuary, puts it, seeing their happy smiles makes it all worthwhile.
“Our sanctuary will be available to serve donkeys in need as long as there are donkeys in need.”