Dog Pretends To Love The Tiny Bed His Mom Ordered By Mistake
It’s the thought that counts, ya know?
At least, that seems be the attitude of this particularly gracious pup named Kenny. He was recently gifted a brand-new dog bed by his mom. Thing is, she inadvertently ordered the wrong size. The bed Kenny got was super small.
Did Kenny complain? No
Rather that roll his eyes and walk away from the brand-new, too-tiny bed, Kenny tried his best to look comfortable — almost as if to show how much he, er, loves it!
“He’s a good boy,” Twitter user @paetonmathes, Kenny’s human sister, confirms to The Dodo.
She snapped these photos of Kenny making do with his mom’s tiny mistake.
Fortunately, Kenny didn’t have to put on this polite ruse for long. His mom corrected her error by giving him a proper-sized dog bed to relax in. The story of his struggle, however, lives on.
This endearing tweet from @paetonmathes has since gone viral — reminding us all of the sweet essence that makes dogs so lovable.
so my mom accidentally ordered an xs dog bed but he's still grateful..
— pae❁ (@paetonmathes) April 11, 2017