This Is Spaghettio, An One-Eyed Cat That Enjoys Life!
Meet Spaghettio – the cutest pirate kitty ever. From the start, she was a happy and curious cat. Until one day when this curiosity caused an accident. “She tried to climb the back of a dining chair and pulled it over on herself. It was really just a “perfect storm” accident, but she was seriously injured” – her owner Meghan told Bored Panda. “She was initially paralyzed and unable to eat on her own, move or walk. Her recovery was a slow process. It took weeks for her to be able to move, then stand, then walk, then run.”
But this unfortunate situation did not stop the little fighter. “Spaghettio continues to be the confident, curious, adventurous cat as she matures.” According to Meghan, Spaghettio enjoys chasing bugs and rolling in the mulch, riding in the car, playing with hex bugs, and eating. “She’s a huge foodie” Meghan shared.
Spaghettio keeps proving that anything is possible and that even if something goes wrong, you just have to stay positive and move on. “Nothing keeps Spaghettio from something she wants!” Meghan said.