Owl Was Rescued After Being Too Fat To Fly
A Wet Owl was discovered in a ditch by a person strolling along a road near Saxmundham, England, in early January. Because he did not attempt to flee as he approached, the bystander concluded he was wounded and hence unable to fly.
This individual sought assistance from the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary, and rescuers opted to transport the bird to the sanctuary for assessment.
The rescuers initially assumed the bird couldn’t fly because it was wet or injured, but after doing many tests, they discovered that its issue was fat.
On Facebook, Suffolk Owl Sanctuary wrote:
“We usually believe that the owl is unable to fly due to an injury; nevertheless, becoming wet can also cause them to become trapped.” So imagine our astonishment when we discovered he was simply extremely fat when we checked him!”
The Owl, dubbed Plump by the sanctuary, weighed around half a pound, which was rare for a bird of this kind, which usually weighs a third of a pound.
It was determined that his inability to fly was due to his weight and fat deposits discovered on his body.
“She had a considerable layer of fat just beneath her skin, particularly around her thighs and midsection,” Rufus Samkin, a falconer at the refuge, told The Dodo. It’s remarkable for a wild owl to be so disproportionately obese.”
The rescuers initiated an inquiry to determine the origin of his obesity, but they determined that it was caused by natural causes.
The owl definitely took advantage of the fact that the winter was warm and the field where Plump resided was abundant of food and field mice.
Plump was merely preparing for the terrible days of winter, according to the falconer, and taking efforts to avoid having a rough time on those days.
Rescuers spent weeks studying the fluffy chick before putting her on a rigorous diet, and the bird dropped the additional weight within weeks.
The owl felt considerably better and was able to resume regular activity; it is now ready to fly with its correct weight.
Sanctuary said:
“We are pleased to report that it has now been lowered to a more natural weight for release.”