Gallo Is An Exemplary Father Who Takes Care Of His Chicks Who Lost Their Mother
This rooster is an excellent father who has taken his responsibilities seriously since his chicks’ mother died. Dan Oostenbrink was awoken in the early hours of the morning by squawking outside his Chilliwack, Canada, house, where his family keeps a small flock of pet hens.
He instantly sensed that something was awry and dashed outside to investigate.
Dan explained to The Dodo:
«I witnessed a huge eagle fly in front of me and take our hen. We were all quite devoted to the bird, so it was very sad.”
The family, however, was not the only one that cared for the hen. She and the rooster had lately produced six chicks, which had lost their mother in an instant. The only thing they could do was keep each other warm, so they required the hen’s care and protection.
The family was at a loss for what to do, so they decided to wait and see whether the girls could survive on their own. Something extraordinary happened the next day.
The chicks began to follow the rooster, who had previously showed little interest in them, in search of the direction their mother had provided. But something changed that night.
Dan said:
“‘Daddy, the chicks are all under the rooster now,’ my kid said. That took us completely by surprise. He panted and shielded them with his wings.
Naturally, roosters do not interfere as parents and seldom interact directly with their offspring, but seeing the defenseless kids so desperate for their mother, the rooster decided to take on the role of father and provide her with the love, care, and protection that his parents’ children required.
Dan said:
“He was suddenly involved.” To feed the chicks, he began collecting insects and placing them in front of them. He takes them to the water, guards them, and shelters them. He’s departed his usual sleeping spot in order to keep the chicks warm at night. I’ve never seen a rooster behave in such a henlike manner. It’s very incredible.”