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After 25 Years In A Horrible Zoo, She Discovers The Magic Of Making A Friend Thanks To Her Trunk

The majority of circus animals have been raised in confinement, meaning they have never seen or experienced freedom, with elephants being one of the most popular animals for circus presentations.


These creatures are accustomed to live in groups in the wild, and they have crucial and complicated social behaviors and hierarchical norms. Elephants live in herds. They use their trunks to breathe, drink water, lift stuff, and, most importantly, communicate with one another, which Mara, an Asian elephant, was robbed of.

He resided in the former EcoParque zoo in Buenos Aires, Argentina, until a few weeks ago. She was surrounded by buildings, automobiles, and people for 25 years, and although sharing space with two other African elephants, they never engaged, maybe because they were of different species or simply because they were wrecked within due to the agony they were going through.


He started by playing with the fresh soil: he put his trunk out, collected some dirt, and flung it over the top of the box and around his body. He took his time to calm himself, go forward, and eventually get out of the box. He then drank some water and went back to playing.

She accomplished something she hadn’t done in a quarter-century on her first night: she socialized with another female elephant for the first time. He spent part of Friday night and Saturday morning “conversing” with Rana, a resident elephant at the sanctuary. Because they were not together, their communication took place from one fence to the next.


“Last night, caregiver Scott heard some really loud noises and went over to investigate. He discovered Frog ecstatic: she screamed, trumpeted, rumbled, and was more animated than he had ever seen her. They stated on the sanctuary’s Instagram account, “This morning Rana and Mara were in different stalls in the barn making a lot louder noises, screaming, trumpeting, and shrieking.”


They also revealed how Mara and Rana were reunited for the first time without bars through the account of the American non-profit group “Global Sanctuary for Elephants.”

Mara is seen remaining near to Rana and extending her trunk to greet her in the photographs.

Mara’s swift adaption to the sanctuary astounds the caregivers, as she announced on her first day that she had trod on grass for the first time in 25 years. That was one of the most thrilling moments for those who cared for her recently, as well as those who accompanied her to her new home.