Young Boy Catches A Big Fish And Is So Proud Of Himself, Adorable Video Has Gone Viral In Internet
A young boy was so happy while fishing one day. He caught a fish as big as him.
Can you imagine that?
So beautiful! An adorable video has gone viral in Internet. Also, his family had the cutest and heartwarming reaction ever.
“Six-year-old Drayden Nelson went out on the Kotzebue Sound [in Alaska] with family to do some subsistence ice fishing,” his family wrote of the moment captured on the video they shared. “Drayden pulled up his very first sii fish.”
Mom Margaret and dad Stephen were watching their son and they looked so proud.
“Pull it up son,” dad told him. So Drayden caught a Sii fish that was 46 inches long.
“Drayden was amazed at how big his sii fish was which was the exact same height as him which came out to be 46 inches long,” said his family.
Young boy looked so happy and proud of himself.